Removing whitespace in JavaScript strings used for dynamic CSS
I remove excess whitespace in strings used to create dynamic CSS. My minimiser, 'UglifyJS', does not remove the excess whitespace. It would be quite difficult. So, I edit the source file by hand in 'vi' saying: s:'[ ][ ]*:' :g This turns: ' @keyframes ppbWingRight' + birdNumber + ' { ' + ' 0% { ' + ' transform: rotate3d(0,1,0,' + wingAngle + 'deg); ' + ' } ' + ' 100% { ' + ' transform: rotate3d(0,1,0,-' + wingAngle + 'deg); ' + ' } ' + ' } ' + into: ' @keyframes ppbWingRight' + birdNumber + ' { ' + ' 0% { ' + ' transform: rotate3d(0,1,0,' + wingAngle + 'deg); ' + ' } ' + ' 100% { ' + ' transform: rotate3d(0,1,0,-' + wingAngle + 'deg); ' + ' } ' + ' } ' + I create a 'style' tag, set the '