
Showing posts from October, 2022

Bitcoin book

 I have been reading 'Cryptocurrencies all-in-one for dummies' by Kiana Danial et all. The book put me off buying some bitcoin. It seems so difficult to keep your 'private keys' secure. I learnt a lot about keeping online investing secure. There are more tips at:

uploaded files to my website not appear

 If I upload files to my website then they do not always immediately appear when I look at my webpages in a browser. My hosting provider is 'Hostinger'. There are more tips at:

HTML5 semantic elements

 I have been adding more semantic HTML5 elements to my webpages. I have added 'header', 'section', 'main' and 'nav' elements. The 'accessiblity' course on '' says to add semantic elements before adding ARIA attribues. I do use an ARIA label to distinguish two identical links. One link is big for small screens. The other link is small for big screens. There are more tips at:

CSS accent-color quirk

 I have been using 'accent-color' in CSS to set the background color of checkboxes and radio buttons. I found one quirk. I have a set of checkboxes with a CSS animation taking the 'accent-colors' through a rainbow. The background colors start off all in sync. But if I check and un-check some boxes then the colors get out of sync. It is as though un-checking a box restarts the animation afresh. There are more tips at:

HTML forms course

 I enjoyed reading the course about HTML forms on Google's ''. The course was an easy read and brought me up-to-date.  The course has lots of links to related articles There are more tips at:

Wave accessibility testing tool

 I have been using the 'Wave' accessibility testing tool from ''. This tool is more thorough than 'Lighthouse'. So far 'Wave' has told me about:     - bad colour contrast that 'Lighthouse' had missed     - too long text of the 'alt' attribute of images     - the same links being repeated near to one another, making screen readers unecessarily repeat the link text     - text of a link being too general: 'more details'      - badly forcing the text of links to be underlined 'Wave' is a uiversity project supported by big tech companies and the U.S. government. There are more tips at: