U.S. government uses internet backdoors for surveillance

 I read a thought-provoking book: 'Surveillance Valley' by Yasha Levine.

The author says the internet started with the ARPANET, used by the U.S. military. The author says this was used for counter-insurgency work in Vietnam. The author says ARPANET was used to share data on protests in the U.S.

The author says Edward Snowden leaked details of the PRISM project showing that companies such as Google and Facebook worked with the U.S. government to give the government direct access to all the very detailed information these companies hold about you. 

The author says the Tor project is mainly funded by the U.S. government to encourage regime change in hostile countries. The author says Tor has holes in it. The author says the U.S. government can get around Tor and Signal by hacking your mobile phone.

The author says Tor and Signal give people a false sense of security and so prevents the regulation of Google and Facebook's data collection.

I got the book from my local library

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